You can fold the code of Function, Structure, and Class simply by clicking on arrow adjacent to their names. Line number indication also makes us aware of the complexity of code and hence we can adjust it as per our needs. In coding thousands of line in single file, you must have encountered several errors and compiler would most probably indicate the line number directly which would make debugging easy and simple.

If you are regular Notepad++ user then you must know about the importance of this two features. Two of its best features which makes this editor best alternative for Notepad++ for MAC are numbering line and folding code of functions, structure, and classes into one single entity.

Notepad Plus Plus is one of the most of the widely used code editor by both professional and unprofessional coders. Notepad++ for MAC: Notepad++ is one of the best source code editor available only for MS Windows platform hence we will go for best alternatives to Notepad++ for MAC which will have same features and user interface as Notepad++.